Common Sense for Arizona


Here to serve you



A growing economy in Arizona means more opportunity for all Arizonans. As a former Chandler City Councilman and business owner, Jeff knows what it takes to foster the spirit of innovation and grow our economy.

The sharing economy is growing - and many companies are moving to Arizona because the state has created an attractive environment by reducing regulation and barriers to success. 

Jeff is championing legislation and reform to help entrepreneurs and future business owners accomplish their dreams by empowering the private sector and getting government out of the way.

Taxes & Budget

Whether at the City or Capitol, Jeff has fought to lower taxes and balance the budget. Competitive tax rates attract businesses, encourage economic growth, stimulate local spending. 

Jeff knows first-hand the importance of a balanced budget, both as a business owner and State Representative. But Jeff does more than just talk the talk - he walks the walk. Cutting waste and reducing regulation helped the City of Chandler avoid service reductions during the recession - and fiscal responsibility at the Capitol will position Arizona for job growth and improve the quality of life for residents throughout the state. 



All of Jeff's kids attend public schools and at the Capitol, he voted to increase education funding an teacher pay, and support educational freedom.

Businesses, and the future success of Arizona, rely on an educated workforce - which starts with great schools. Arizona students need the resources necessary to be competitive in the job market.

Arizona is moving in the right direction, but there is still work to be done. By providing responsible choices, diverse learning opportunity for students, and responsibly funding local schools, the state will be well positioned to compete for 21st century jobs.

Public Safety

One of the few central roles of government is to provide equal opportunity for Arizonans by creating safe neighborhoods and communities. 

From fully funding police and providing resources for border enforcement, Jeff has been central to ensuring our police officers get more than just necessary equipment - they also received a pay raise. Police officers put their life on the line every day, and it is important to provide support for them and their families.